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Gallery of sculptures and bas-reliefs in glass and metal by artist Catalin Domniteanu.

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sculpture on a scientific theme in glass & metal sculpture on a scientific theme in glass & metal sculpture on a scientific theme in glass & metal


Redshift Navigator

Finally Tuned

sculpture on a scientific theme in glass & metal bas-relief on a scientific theme in glass & metal sculpture on a social theme in glass & metal

Space Matters

Laplace's Demon

The Future Memories of a Ghost Town

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bas-relief on a social theme in glass & metal

Sailing Away - the Emigrant

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bas-relief in glass and metal

Buttorfleoge Catcher

bas-relief in glass and metal bas-relief in glass and metal bas-relief in glass and metal bas-relief in glass and metal

Clair de Lune

Childhood's Retreat

Dick and Dora

When Pegasus Cried

logo oedip and the oracle

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